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[외부][학술대회] QUIS17 참가 안내

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 620



(사)한국서비스경영학회 사무국에서 서비스경영 관련 유럽 학술대회(QUIS17)및 CFP를 안내드립니다.

학회 회원여러분들의 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.




1. QUIS17


  - 서비스경영 관련 유럽에서 가장 큰 학회

  - 지난 34년 동안 격년으로 개최되고 있으며 약 250명이 참가

  - 아시아에서는 중국 상하이의 CEIBS 대학 이후 두 번째로  베트남 Vin University에서 개최 예정




Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit an abstract for consideration for presentation at the 17th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management (QUIS17) which will take place at VinUniversity in Hanoi, Vietnam, June 18-21, 2021.




QUIS17 takes a broad interdisciplinary and international view of service excellence in management and the following topics are welcome:


- Artificial intelligence and robots in service

- Based of pyramid (BoP) service research

- Customer experience

- Data science for service (Big data or unstructured data analytics)

- Digitalization of services

- Education service

- Environment, sustainability and service

- Healthcare and wellness service

- Mobile technology and service

- Public, not-for-profit and governmental service

- Service ecosystem

- Service in global pandemic age

- Service in manufacturing companies/organizations

- Service innovation and creativity

- New service development

- Service design

- Technology and service

- Transformative service

- Value cocreation in service

- Virtual workplace

- Other topics related to service



15-Sep-20  Online abstract submission opens

30-Nov-20  Abstract submission deadline

15-Jan-21  Notification of acceptance

15-Feb-21  Registration opens

31-Mar-21  Early registration closes and Complete paper or extended abstract deadline

15-May-21  Regular registration closes




Abstracts (maximum 500 words) should be submitted here by November 30th, 2020. All submissions will be reviewed by the conference co-chairs and acceptance will be based on its contributions to theory, research and/or implications for practice for service management. By submitting an abstract, at least one of the authors agrees to attend QUIS17 if the work is accepted.

Notification of acceptance will be sent by January 15th 2021. Authors of accepted abstracts must submit either an extended abstract (1000 words) or a complete paper (maximum 10 pages) by March 31st, 2021 to be included in the QUIS17 proceedings.


A Best Paper Award will be presented during the conference and selected papers from the conference will be invited for consideration for publication in the Journal of Service Management, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, and Tourism Review. Please refer to Author guidelines and an example here.

Submissions that do not follow the format instructions will NOT be included in the proceedings.


If you have any questions, please contact QUIS17 General Conference Secretary, Jenny Nguyen: quis17@vinuni.edu.vn

For more information about QUIS17, please visit conference website: https://vinuni.edu.vn/quis17/
